Get internship credit for graduation

An internship is a short-term, hands-on, supervised experience with a professional organization. Internships are intended to increase your knowledge of a specific career field, allowing you to develop additional skills while receiving valuable mentorship.

The Community Placements team is here to support you throughout your internship experience. Please refer to the Internship support page for resources and support to identify an internship that is unique to your major and career goals.

Please work with your academic advisor to discuss internship prerequisites and course registration.

Step 01

Determine how you plan to earn credit

Before you begin searching for an internship, review your options by viewing your Major Map on MyASU or connect with your academic advisor.

Option 1: Internship with an organization in your community

  • Consider your personal and professional goals, and the type of patients/clients/athletes you hope to work with in the future.
  • Navigate to the CHS Placements database to view internship sites that have been previously approved by the College of Health Solutions.
    Note: As you search through the database, remember that your internship experience should align with your major and career goals.
  • If you would like to work with an organization that is not on the CHS Placements database, complete the Pre-Internship Petition (PIP). View additional information about the PIP.

Option 2: Pre-Health Internship Program (PHIP)

  • For Pre-health students only.
  • Please talk with your Pre-health advisor for more information.
  • Note: There are several additional requirements that must be met to participate in this internship program. Please visit the Pre-Health Internship Program page for more information.

Option 3: Experiential Learning

  • Depending on your major, you may be eligible to enroll in an Experiential Learning course. View your Major Map on MyASU or connect with your academic advisor for more information.
  • Experiential Learning is learning by doing, where you will gain a deeper understanding of the health challenges facing our populations. Please visit the Experiential Learning page for more information.


Step 02

Prepare your materials

Depending on the internship sites you choose to apply to work with, you may be asked to submit a resume and cover letter detailing your experience and interest in the position. Creating these materials is an opportunity for you to explain why you are a qualified candidate.

Step 03

Identify and apply to 5-10 internship sites

Option 1: Find an organization through the CHS Placements database

  • Search through the CHS Placements database to view sites that students have previously worked with.
  • Research each organization and tailor your resume and cover letter to each site.
  • View the information posted on the Database and the steps needed to apply to an internship with this site.
  • To view the information for each site, save each site to your account by selecting the button shown in the screenshot below.

    Save to my account image

  • Then, select ‘Start Intent’ to view information to apply to the internship opportunity, under the ‘How to Apply’ section. Note: The ‘How to Apply’ section will only appear if you select ‘Start Intent’.

    Start intent button image

    Option 2: Find an organization on your own, in your community

  • If you are planning to work with an organization that you did not find through the CHS Placements database, submit a Pre-Internship Petition (PIP).
  • The PIP is an application that you will complete if you want to work with an internship site that you did not find on CHS Placements.
  • You will include information about the site and the individual who will serve as your site supervisor.
  • Once you submit this to the CHS Placements database, your internship coordinator will reach out to you with next steps.

Option 3: Work with your place of employment

  • You may work with your place of employment if the internship opportunity aligns with your major and academic plan.
  • Your internship should be separate from your current work responsibilities, and you should seek out new experiences and identify new goals to achieve during your internship.
  • If you intend to work with your place of employment, you should also submit a Pre-Internship Petition (PIP).

Tips for reaching out to organizations via email.

Prepare for an interview

  • Your site may or may not request an interview to discuss your experience and qualifications.
  • Use the ASU Career Services for interview practice, preparation and advice.
  • Remember that you are interviewing the site as well. Ask the site about the nature of their work, what type of work previous interns have completed, and what the day-to-day tasks look like.


Step 04

Internship offers and ASU approval

  • To receive academic credit, you are required to complete your internship concurrently with the academic course that is listed on your Major Map.
  • Please enroll in the appropriate 484 or 444 class through MyASU before you begin your internship search. If you are unable to enroll, please contact for additional information.
  • Once you secure your internship, complete the Internship Learning Agreement (ILA).
  • The ILA is a formal document that verifies information about your internship, your internship site, as well as terms and conditions that you and your site supervisor will agree to during your internship.
  • The ILA is available 4-6 weeks before the start of the semester. Your internship support coordinator will notify you when the ILA is available to complete.

We encourage students to request confirmation from the site to finalize their internship offer until the ILA is available.

  • The ILA must be approved by your internship support coordinator through the CHS Placements Database before you may accrue any hours at your internship site.

 Watch this video demonstration to request and submit your ILA.



Students who participate in an internship, rotation, observation, applied project, or other experiential learning opportunity with a clinical partner are required to comply with the site’s policies related to vaccinations for common communicable diseases. The majority of ASU’s clinical community partners require proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Students who are unable to be vaccinated for medical or religious reasons may be able to make arrangements for a reasonable accommodation, depending on the policies of the clinical site. Accommodations may be limited in number and may require additional safeguards such as testing, personal protective equipment, or alternative/limited duties.

Students who are concerned about their ability to complete a course or program requirement with a clinical partner due to their vaccination status should contact their instructor or program director to discuss the possibility of placement at another site or the process to apply for a reasonable accommodation. Alternative placements and reasonable accommodations are dependent on the availability and policies of clinical partners. Students who anticipate needs relating to vaccination requirements should contact their instructor or program director as soon as possible.